Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Alan Visits the Dentist

Morena tamariki mai, well I really enjoyed assembly on Friday - both the wonderful junior performance and the visit by the lovely dentist Natasha! I am looking forward to getting my pack with my tooth brush and toothpaste! I was so enthusiastic that yesterday I took Mrs Cox to see her dentist. Luckily she looks after her teeth extremely well. I'm always allowed to go with her because I'm so well behaved. 

I'm sure everyone is doing their best to brush their teeth morning and night to keep them healthy. 

Remember one of the other important things you can do to keep your teeth healthy is to cut down on sugary drinks and stick to milk or water. I only drink water (milk is not good for dogs unless it's special pet milk) and my teeth are perfect!

Have a great week and remember my message at assembly - come to school every day unless you are sick and be on time so you don't miss out on any learning!

keep safe and be kind

ma te wa

Alan 💙🐾