Friday, July 31, 2020

Alan Goes to the Beauty Salon

Hi everyone, you know, when I was a guide dog I could put on my red coat and go almost anywhere Mrs Cox went. That was because if you are going to be a guide dog you need to be very highly socialised - i.e. you need to be very skilled at dealing with new places, people and experiences. I loved it and its one of the things I really miss now that I have retired. Luckily, because I am so highly socialised I have managed to hold on to a few of my guide dog privileges - like being allowed to come to Glen Taylor School! Some of the places I used to go with Mrs Cox still let me visit as they remember how well behaved I am. I'm allowed to go to the dentist and the hairdresser and also the beauty salon where Mrs Cox has something weird done to her eyelashes - I don't quite understand what but I don't mind that - I'm just glad not to be left at home!

- Alan 🐾


Monday, July 27, 2020

Alan's Holiday

Hi everyone, sorry I haven't blogged for a while - I had such a great time in the holidays that I just seemed to run out of time! I did all sorts of cool stuff. I went on a beach holiday with my friend Jessie - her sister Loma was there too and we had a great time playing with each other especially running about on the beach.

I also had a sleepover at Jessie's house in Auckland and that was exciting because her other sister Hettie was home too and there are two bunnies as well! The other thing that I enjoyed was going to work with Hettie - she works at a veterinary clinic. My nephew Dale works there as well so I got to see him too. Whew! I was exhausted by the end of the holidays and quite glad to come back to school for a rest!

Alan   🐾