Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Alan Wishes he was at School

 Morena tamariki ma, how exciting it is that Glen Taylor School is open for learning on site again! I'm having to stay home to look after Mr Cox but (although I would never tell him because I don't want to hurt his feelings) I would much rather be at school with all my Glen Taylor friends. Mrs Cox says she had a lovely day in Room 1 yesterday doing exciting things such as art (thank you Mrs Logan for the great Cat in the Hat activity you did with the students) and dancing on the field. Apparently Ms Wrack was impressed by the amazing moves she could see!

I was a bit bored at home because Mr Cox had no time to play with me...Mrs Cox took me on a walk before school and then at night when it the temperature had cooled down. Very pleasant and I enjoy looking at the stars when we walk at night - it's so pretty.

I'm sorry my blog was a day late this week...I got a bit mixed up with the days of the week! Never mind - everyone makes mistakes sometimes and that's okay.

Keep safe and be kind

Ma te wa

- Alan   🐾


  1. Hi Ms Karl, I really miss you and all my friends in Room 4. I hope to be back next year bright eyed and bushy tailed!
