Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Alan's Holidays

Morena! It's so great that school has started again because it's one of my happy places! I thought you might like to see what I have been doing these holidays  -  I would love to hear what you got up to so please write to me if you would like to share. I will try to write back.

I went to the park a lot and got together with my friends and it was nice to just hang around home, listen to music, read some books with Mrs Cox and get taken for walks. 

In the second week we went to the beach for a few days which was lovely as my good friends Jessie and Loma were there. Jessie is very excited as she is going in for her guide dog training very soon - it's a big step and a lot of work for her but totally worth it. I'll keep you up to date with how she goes.

- Alan 🐾



  1. Hi Alan did you have a great holiday at the beach? Alan you seem to be having fun with your bffs and Alan I hope you have a good day at the beach.

    Regards: Easter

    1. Hi Easter, I certainly did have a lovely holiday with my friends - I love the beach and even go in the water sometimes!

  2. hey Alan! did you have a zuper fun holiday i hope you did have a good week!

    1. Hey Liana I had a wonderful holiday staying with my friends. I can't wait to visit them again!

  3. Hi Alam you look so big

    1. Hi Romeo - do I look big? I wonder why? It might be because Jessie my friend is a puppy so is much smaller than me.

  4. Replies
    1. hi Tiletea nice to hear from you - hope to hear from you again soon!

  5. You must be dancing on the grass again, Alan!

  6. Hi Phyu Sin, you know me - any excuse to dance!
