Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Alan Meets the New Staff at Glen Taylor School

 Morena tamariki ma. Gosh it's been so wonderful being back at school! I'm so excited because today I'll be seeing all the students I know from last year plus some new ones too!! Please come and say hello to me if you see me walking around with Mrs Cox - you know I always love to see you and hear about what you've been up to. 

Mrs Cox and I came back when the other teachers did so we could hear about all the cool things that will be happening this year. It was so good because we got to meet the new people who have joined the staff at Glen Taylor School. 

I met Ms Karl who will be teaching year one and two students in Room 4. Her daughter Kodi was at Glen Taylor School last year. She also has an eastern water dragon called Peanut!

Mrs Dhaliwal is the new year five and six team leader in Room 5. She has two sons and two german shepherd dogs called Maximus and Zeena.  

Miss Smith will be teaching years three and four in Room 8. She adores rainbows and she has a dog called Millie. 

We have a new caretaker making sure everything works and is ship shape at our school. Mr Pete is extremely enthusiastic about sports and he's been a New Zealand representative in ten pin bowling for 30 years!

Make sure to say hello to all our new staff and make them feel welcome at our wonderful school.

- Alan 🐾


  1. WOW Alan ! I love how you are already making good bonds with the new staff memeber !! Ka Pai and Stay Safe :)

    1. Hi Catherine, how lovely to hear from you. Yes, you know how I love making new friends. I'm staying safe at home and hope you are too.
