Friday, October 29, 2021

Alan and the Rat!

 Kia ora tamariki ma, I hope you have all had another successful week back online and back to learning! 

I know from chatting to your teachers that they love to see your smiling faces even if they can't see you in n person. 

I have been reading your work online and just like last term I'm very impressed with you all. Whether it's blogging or activities on seesaw you're amazing! 

I had a bit of an adventure this week. We were sitting in the lounge watching television and all of a sudden we could hear a scrabbling noise in the wall between the lounge and the kitchen! Mr and Mrs Cox were not very happy about it and decided a rat might have moved in! They seemed to think I should have dealt with it myself but I'm not going to eat anything but the finest dog food in the land -after all, it's what I'm used to!

Anyway they phoned the rat exterminator -and he came along the next morning. Thank goodness because we were a bit afraid the rat would start chewing the wiring inside the walls!

Alan meets James the rat man!

James promised the rat will go away now and we haven't seen it since which is good. Even though Mr and Mrs Cox had to keep out of the way it was quite exciting to have a visitor! I like meeting people and James was very nice!

Now, I am a bit behind on my jigsaw to do so I just might go and spend some time doing that.....

Keep safe and be kind

ma te wa 

- Alan 🐾


  1. Hi Allan hope your are having a good day with that rat gone.

  2. Hi Kurt - how nice to hear from you. I am having a good day and thankfully the rat seems to have moved out! Thank goodness - I wouldn't have been happy if he had tried to eat any of my food! Imagine that! We went for a lovely walk in the park this morning and i got to see two of my labrador friends - one called Lucy and one called Romeo. I hope you've had a good day too.
