Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Alan Works on his Alphabet

 Kia ora tamariki mai, I had a lot of fun looking at the Glen Taylor class sites yesterday and I saw another great activity some of the juniors were doing. They have a letter of the alphabet and they find objects at home that start with that letter. I couldn't decide which letter to use but after much deliberation I asked Mrs Cox and she suggested the letter t. I thought that was a good idea because I remembered that treats starts with the letter t and they are one of my favourite things! Have a look at the photos and see if you can name all the objects I collected. I had a lot of fun running around the house collecting everything and arranging it. Of course some of the treats did spill onto the floor so I felt obliged to eat them...just so there wasn't a mess on the floor!

    Which is your favourite out of the things I collected?

   - Alan 🐾



  1. Personally I like the tiger. How did Mr Cox feel about you slobbering all over his tie, Alan? Or did you carry it very carefully? :-)

  2. I like the tiger too although I still like my treats the best! I would never slobber on anything - I was very careful...I just pointed at it and Mrs Cox got it out for me!

  3. Haha!That's a relief! What a gentleman(dog) you are, Alan!:-)
