Thursday, November 25, 2021

Alan's Daily Challenge (November 25)

 Ata marie tamariki ma! Another day, another challenge from me! This is the last one for the week - tomorrow is my bi-weekly update and of course I will give you the answer for today's challenge!

Q: When will the prize draw for the Great GTS Online Learning Challenge happen?

I'm sure you have it marked on your calendar already!

Here is the answer to yesterday's challenge!

Q: What is the total value of the prize pool in the Great GTS Online Learning Challenge?

A: $10,000 !!!!

Wow - that's amazing!

Keep safe and be kind

Ma te wa

- Alan 🐾


  1. $10,000! That's so amazing Alan! The children at Glen Taylor have been working really hard and certainly deserve a little treat. :)

  2. They sure do Mrs Logan! I think with that prize pool quite a few will be getting a treat!
