Thursday, August 26, 2021

Alan Helps Out Mrs Cox

Good morning tamariki ma, I decided today to do some more chores around the house. I noticed that Mrs Cox had dyed some wool but it had been sitting for days if not weeks waiting to be wound. So I thought I could do it my self. Look! I think I made a pretty good job of it! Quite tricky with paws and it takes a long time to wind the whole ball - 200 grams is a long piece of wool!

Do you like the colour? I do as it's nice and cheerful. Mrs Cox dyes her wool with food colouring which she says is just like combining cooking with a chemistry experiment! I wonder what Mrs Cox will end up knitting with it


Keep safe and be kind!

- Alan 🐾


  1. Nice job helping round the house Alan. was it fun?

  2. Hi Ryan - yes it was fun although having paws rather than hands does make some tasks quite tricky! Have you been helping around the house at home? I'm sure you have!
