Thursday, August 19, 2021

Alan's Busy Day

 Kia ora tamariki ma, well it's been a busy day for me today. I went for a lovely big walk as Mr Herlihy told me too (so I can have treats when we get back to school) and played with my toys and also started my jigsaw puzzle....well I got the jigsaw mat and the box with the puzzle in it out! I really wanted to do some cooking but everyone was too busy to help. Luckily I remembered that there were chores to do so I went and did some gardening! I planted some pansies to go in the pots with the daffodil bulbs I had already planted. The daffodils aren't out yet but I can see the green shoots poking up so it might not be long. Can you spot Bun-bun among the pots trying to eat the plant leaves? Naughty Bun-bun! I had to tell him off about that!

Anyway I hope you have had a good day.

Keep safe and be kind.

- Alan 🐾


  1. What a talented fellow you are Alan! I didn't know that you could garden. You've reminded me to put my bulbs into my own garden, and also some coriander seedlings I've been growing in pots inside. What a naughty rabbit!

  2. Hi Alan, you should come in and join us for garden to table.

    1. Hi Kurt, I would LOVE to do that! Mrs Cox went last week and said it was amazing and that she got to try leek and potato soup and garlic bread made by room 10. Yummy!! She even got to help with the cooking. She also said I'm not really allowed in the whare kai - I'm a bit disappointed but you can tell me all about it instead.

  3. Hi Mrs Logan, yes Bun-bun is prone to being very naughty sometimes - a bit like Peter Rabbit if you've read the stories about him! I'm glad I've prompted you to do some of your own garden tasks. Gardening is quite time consuming isn't it!

  4. It certainly is! I like Kurt's idea of you helping with Garden to Table. You could help dig the holes for seedlings to go into- I'm sure you've had lots of practice at home although I did hear that Mr and Mrs Cox filled them in again... :)

  5. Hi Destiny, yes they are aren't they? I love pansies and I'm taking great care of them. Hope you are having a good day.
