Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Alan's Tuesday

 Kia ora tamariki ma, I've spent a lot of time today out in my garden. I like looking at the flowers and I greatly enjoy helping with the gardening. Today we planted some beautiful flowers - we already had some of them but we wanted some more. Hopefully by the time summer comes there will be a big display of flowers for me to look at. 

My favourite part of gardening is digging the holes to put the plants in - I'm really extremely good at it as you can imagine! 

Keep safe and be kind.

nga mihi

- Alan  🐾


  1. What a good dog you are, Alan! My dog, Ruby, likes to dig holes too but she doesn't always dig them where I ask her to. Also she tends to dig plants up rather than patting the soil around them with her paws. Maybe I should bring her around sometime after lockdown and you can give her a lesson?

  2. Hi Mrs Logan, when lockdown is over I would love to meet Ruby! It sounds as though she does need some gardening lessons!

  3. Hello Alan and Mrs Cox im Liana also I hope Alan is having atleast some during lockdown

    1. Hi Liana, good to hear from you - I'm not quite sure what you hope I am having during lockdown? Rest? Fun? Lots of treats? Well, rest assured I'm having all of those things. Stay safe!

  4. She certainly does, and I think you could show her a thing or two about doing the right thing, as we do at Glen Taylor, too. Thanks Alan and Mrs Cox.

  5. No problem Mrs Logan, we love hearing from you and I'm always keen to model good behaviour.

  6. What colours are the flowers???

  7. Hi Jasmine - good question! The flowers are a bit like big daisies to look at and are white which provides a nice contrast with the other flowers in that part of the garden which are bright orange,
