Monday, September 6, 2021

Alan sees the Biggest Teddy Ever

 Kia ora tamariki ma! I hope you enjoyed your weekend and took Ms Wrack and Mr Herlihy's advice to get outside and get as much fresh air as you could - while keeping safe of course! I liked their idea of having races to the letterbox and back - I think I might be really good at that!

I spent the weekend going on some lovely walks. I'm looking forward to being able to run free at the park again before too long but not yet I'm afraid. I did see my friend Daisy when I was out walking yesterday but only from a distance.....

One very cool thing I saw on my walk yesterday - an ENORMOUS gorilla soft toy on someone's property. It gave me a bit of a fright to begin with but once I realised what it was I decided it was extremely cool!

I thought you might enjoy seeing it too.

 Keep safe and be kind.

nga mihi

- Alan 🐾


  1. Wow Alan! I'd be a bit scared too! Mr Gorilla has a kind face though. I saw a monkey sitting on top of a gate on an early morning walk in the weekend. He had his tail twirled around the metal bars and was looking at me with such a cheeky expression. I'm going to keep an eye out for other interesting creatures. :)

  2. Hi Mrs Logan - I agree with you that Mr Gorilla does have a kind face! I saw Mickey Mouse at one house yesterday on my walk but unfortunately I had left my phone at home so I don't have a photo. I really must remember my phone next time!

  3. Maybe Mrs Cox could attach it to your collar? :)

  4. Hi Mrs Logan, that is a very good idea! Although as she insists on coming on the walks with me I might just get her to carry it!She won't mind a bit!

  5. An even better idea Alan! What a smart dog you are!:)
